Friday, December 30, 2011

New Visitors

Yesterday Connor met lots of new family members. This kid is getting more fans everyday!

Here is Connor with his Great-Grandmother, better known as Mamaw.

And here he is with his cousins, aunt, gramma and grandpa, and uncles. And parents!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sleepy Time: Different Views

Becca and I sometimes have very different experiences of sleepy time. Please observe...

Michael: I love snuggling with Connor when he's asleep. It's a great time to get all of his sugar. He also makes little faces that are really cute and little chirping sounds as he has sweet dreams. It's pretty amazing.

Becca: Learned a valuable lesson the hard way at 4:30am. Never ever change a baby on your bed without some sort of changing pad beneath him just because you're too tired to do it the right way. #biggestmessintheworld #sheetandclothingchangeat4am

**That all being said, I have to admit that Becca has earned so many points in my book. Ever since I saw the labor and delivery, my respect level has hit an all-time high. It grows each day. Moms just possess this astounding ability to remain calm, patient, loving, and graceful. I, on the other hand, have an astounding ability to... nap. It's a great thing to watch Becca each day being and becoming a wonderful mom!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

First Bath Time

So far it seems like one of the best parts of parenting is "the firsts." The first smile, sneeze, bath, laugh... all really good stuff. What would be even better if we could discover the first diaper that doesn't leak. We can put a man on the moon but apparently a baby diaper that doesn't blow out and ruin clothes and blankets is too much to ask for.

Last night Connor had his first bath. I was predicting some seriousy crying but he actually didn't even bat an eye. There were several smiling attempts, but I suppose he hasn't mastered the twenty-plus muscles required for that. He usually gets about ten of those muscles to work and pulls off this little Elvis-esque half smile, half sneer.

Bath time was great; Becca and I are ready for round two, maybe tonight. Maybe all these diaper blow outs aren't the worst thing in the world. Just an opportunity for more bath time.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

The First Thirteen Days in Numbers

The First Two Weeks in Numbers

Hours in Labor: 28
Weight at Birth: 8 pounds
Length at Birth: 21 inches
Diapers Used: 200
Worlds Cutest Sneezes: 33
Fingers and Toes: 20
Times either me or Becca has said, “What have we gotten ourselves into?”: 5
Pictures and Videos Taken: 300+
People Who’ve Held Him: 52
Money Spent on Connor: $3.42 (seriously… we’ve been lucky!)
Hours of Lost Sleep: Michael (20) Becca (68)
"He's beautiful” Compliments: 132
Times We’ve Wished for Anything Else: 0

Saturday, December 24, 2011

First Christmas

Well Connor stole the show this Christmas--he spent the whole day dressed as Santa and was able to act as "our gift" to everyone. You might think we didn't put any thought into our gifts for others but we actually worked for 10 months on this one. We had a good time in Belton. Got to see two sets of grand parents, four uncles, one aunt, and Connor's 93 year old great grandpa Garvin.