Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday Night and Last Night

Do you remember the last time you saw Connor and how cute he was? Well, you can forget that because he's actually gotten cuter. Becca and I love the way he walks. His walking, by the way, has become quite effective. He really can't be stopped at this point.

He's also learned how to say mooooooooo (think cow) and has started a bed time routine. It involves shower with Daddy, brush teeth with mommy, read with mommy or daddy. Then we say bedtime and he heads for the bedroom to eat before he goes to sleep. That's at about 10pm. Then, without fail, he wakes up about one hour later ready to eat again. He's a growing boy!

Last night we saw some cool jazz music and Connor tried to get on the stage. This happens every single time. We usually go on Thursday nights to hear music and it never fails--he can't wait to be on stage. Perhaps we have a little star on our hands...


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tree Time!

I bought this tree like 4 years ago for $20. It seems to look better each year. Connor and Becca and my hairy legs make it look even better!

Now Becca needs my help... Gotta go!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

I meant to post these pictures earlier. We spent Thanksgiving with Becca's family and had such a good time. Connor got to see his cousin's, Ethan and Dylan. Also, his great grandmother and great grandfather were there too. Connor is wearing his green PJs in these pics, which are my favorite because he looks like a little leprechaun.
We played a lot of Catan, saw a movie, climbed a tree, played soccer, went to the Zoo, PF Changs, and got lots of good family time.
By climbing a tree I mean I was climbing a tree. I said sarcastically, "Becca get me the baby bjorn and I'll climb with Connor."
Becca said, "Okay." I thought she was joking. So I said, "Okay."
Next thing I know, this happened: Climbing Tree Video

Monday, November 26, 2012

Goodnight Sweet Prince

Well, as we all know, Connor sleeps in bed with us. And we love it. Insert your opinion here.

He goes to bed around 10-1030 every night and I usually snuggle in with him a little after 11pm. He's asleep but not too too asleep. He's gotten into the habit of rolling over into my arms and balling up. We usually lay there for a while snuggling. It's the best ever and nothing can beat it.

At least twice a night he wakes up, usually hungry. For some reason, in his sleepy stupor, he must think my head looks like a nipple because he crawls on my head. Every night. He loves to bop me and try to wake me up. I push him to Becca. Connor sleeps in the middle. We have a king size and love it. Why did we wait so long?

Anyway, co-sleeping is great. We all have opinions but if you just had any idea how good he smells and what a snuggle bug he is, you'd recant and curl up with him. Trust me!

So Connor, if you're reading this one day, just remember, when you have a baby, be a hippy, let him sleep with you, let him bop you in the middle of the night on the head, and keep him a baby as long as you can!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Well I've been working on organizing all of Connor's pictures, starting from Becca's pregnancy, reveal party, baby showers, birth, and the last 11 months of this little guy growing up (all in chronological order). When it's all said and done, there will be 365 pictures for the first year. I am about 270 pictures into it. It's a herculean task but truly a labor of love.

Making this has made me realize three things. I will share.

1) You will never regret taking TOO many pictures. You will love all of them.
2) I am so glad I am keeping up with the blog. I know one day I will sit there one day and read the whole thing. I have about 200 posts and plan to keep going strong.
3) It has been such a good year (well, 11 months). I couldn't ask for a better family.

So! Here's what I have so far:

Dancing Naked to a Beatles song!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Tonight tonight

Today becca and her brother went to Dallas to see their grandparents. With Connor.

They won't be back until after midnight. I will be here in bed waiting. I've been so lonely and it's so quiet without them. I miss them lots and lots.

I played piano and worked out. House was very quiet, too quiet really. I wasn't able to see little bug and do things like this:

Sunday, November 18, 2012


So many times I've been here thinking, okay, THIS is the best video. And then Connor does something new or learns something new and it just amazes me all over again, even more than before.

That being said, check this out! Walking Baby One
And for good measure, check this out too!! Walking Baby Two

We had a good weekend. Helicopters and planes were flying over our house literally every 5 minutes do to F1 racing hooplah. We went to San Marvelous yesterday and hiked around campus and stayed around the house mostly today. Connor played in the front yard for about two hours just crawling and walking, getting dirty and pulling up grass. Big boy stuff!

Connor just headed to bed. Every night before I go to sleep I pray for him. Not just regular praying, but I pray hard. Like knock the breath out of you praying. It's strange because I hardly ever pray about anything. I just ask God to protect his body and his mind and his heart.

Then, and this takes most of the prayer up, I just thank God for each day I get to spend with him. If today was my last day with him I'd be eternally grateful and have a lifetime of love and thankfulness in my heart no matter what. Just thinking about it... man it's crazy.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Pics from today and yesterday

Connor got to see uncle Chris and grandpa nick today/night. We played catan, shot pool, and had a great dinner. Here are some pics of love bug:

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Little Buddy

Well it's time to write a blog. Connor got sick a few days ago and had a fever. It was the first time he's really been sick. The fever broke after a day and he bounced back. Becca got sick, had to go the ER, and got sick again today. We don't know what's going on!!?? I on the other hand, never get sick. Well, almost never. And since I just typed that I know I'm next.

Last night we had swimming time at the YMCA. Connor is now able to put his mouth in the water and blow bubbles. We also had a bath together last night (not even nearly enough room for both of us) and he did it again. He is a water baby for sure.

Connor is on the verge of walking. He can cover about five feet at a time, but mostly prefers to crawl. As much as we love seeing him walk, there's really no rush as I know it changes everything. So he can take his time learning to get vertical.

Connor has discovered books and we read together. He also is working on piano and guitar everynight. Such a good little kid!

There's been some more good snuggle time now that we are all in the same bed. There is nothing better than snuggle time with little buddy. It's truly my favorite thing. Watching him grow everyday and learn new things has been the best experience I could ever hope for.

Okay, enough of the mushy stuff... Here you go, a few videos:

Connor having dinner, always a messy but fun time. Video: Happy and You Know It Song

Connor is learning to walk! He has the skills and balance, just depends on when he wants to give it a shot... Video: Walking About 8 Steps

Monday, November 12, 2012

Getting Better

Connor was a little sick this weekend, or at least ha a fever. He's never really been sick thanks to breast milk and no day care. Today he was feeling a bit tired but better. I'm about to go snuggle him in our big bed!

Here are some pics from today...

Saturday, November 10, 2012


We are at whole foods downtown and playing. I just wanted to put this picture up ASAP!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Mostly Mozart

Tonight we are having music practice. Oh my gosh... As I type he starts walking about 8 feet across the room. I am so proud of this kiddo!!! So awesome... Of course when I try to record it he only makes it halfway. :)

Wait... I'm doing this on my phone but it might work-

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Ball Pit

Today becca and Connor hung out w uncle Chris. We told him he is Connors favorite of his six uncles. I don't know if that's true, Connor can't talk yet, but we love him very much!

Oh yeah, Connor is walking almost ten feet at a time. It is sooooooo cool amd I'm sooooooo proud. My little hero!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Cuh-Razy Sick Day, Dumpster, Eating Mishaps, Etc

well Becca woke up sick so craziness ensued. She went to two emergency rooms and got all better. Connor and I played at the house all day while she patched herself up. Then it was time to go pick up our new bed. That's right, after a year of talking about it we saved our money and finally bought one. 

They wanted $65 bucks for delivery. No thanks. I've got twine and a SUV. Oh wait sir, they said. It costs $80 just to dispose of a mattress so it's actually a good deal. $80 bucks to dispose of a mattress? Since when did opening up a dumpster at an apartment complex down the street cost $80 bucks? I took care of that myself, kept my $65. 

It's a good bed for all of us to sleep on. If you don't like us all on a king size, baby sleeping with us, oh well, you just don't know how much fun it is. Now Connor and I have a place to wrestle! 

He is truly out of control. Need evidence? Watch this: You Can't Feed this Kid Nothin' He Don't Want!

I rest my case. 

Saturday, November 3, 2012


So it turns out I'm a week behind on posting pics. Today we went to the Celtic festival with Mema... I'll put those pics up tomorrow. These are from last Sunday after we went to e rock, we went to a sweet petting zoo!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Walk walk walk walk walk

Well, almost anyway... Video tomorrow!

How much better could this baby get!?