Saturday, April 28, 2012

Picture Fiesta

Last night we headed to the lake for a photo shoot. Connor was super happy, which is usually the case. He is mere millimeters from being able to sit up on his own. There are just a few little muscles that have to start firing correctly. We are taking bets on when he'll be able to go solo. Probably a couple days.

Grandpa took some awesome photos. There are some pictures where I took Connor and climbed on a waterfall with him. Those will not be posted here since I'm not sure if CPS likes my blog or not. Better play it safe and keep it with these...

Friday, April 27, 2012

Memas House

We made it great-grandmas house, aka Mema, last night. We've had a busy day and it's time for bed. Tomorrow I'll have to put a good post up.

Here's a picture of my best little buddy and I in the yard today.

And here's a video from last week:

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Connor's First Girlfriend

Like his dad, Connor is quite the stud these days. He gets hit on day and night from women all over town. But of course he is only interested in two women: his mom, and a little girl named Addeline. (ok, ok and a few grandmothers too!)

And like most people,  he likes the chase. He ogles at her all day long, she pretends he doesn't exist.

He makes his move....

....he gets the cold shoulder.

He will persevere though! Afterall, this is his FIRST girlfriend.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Connor Tries a Lemon. Bad Parents Exposed.

Why is it that parents, even the good ones, even the really really good ones, have this unexplainable urge to make their kids suffer terrible things???

For example, A Christmas Story. We all remember Ralphie's parents FORCING him to put on the god-awful bunny suit that his aunt made him. And on Christmas day!! The day for kids to be happy, merry, open toys and packs of socks, not be forced to suffer such indignities and parade down the stairs, looking like a (as his dad puts it) "deranged easter bunny."

Some might say that's just Hollywood. Parents don't do that in real life. Yeah right. Look what Becca and I made Connor do the other day:

Connor Trying a Lemon Here

You can see him physically shaking off the sour at 52 seconds. Or is that him trying to shake off his parents, who think it's sooooo funny? I keep forgetting one day this kid will probably be bigger and stronger than me. He'll probably put lemon in my chicken noodle soup at the nursing home.


I guess Becca wants this week of blogging to show firsts. So here's to day one of firsts. Not sure what tomorrow brings, but hopefully, and for Connor's sake, something less sour and more sweet.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Cactus Classical

Ahhh, it's that time of year. Spring is here and that means time for the classical guitar concert series to start up. Only a few things could pry me away from Connor and this is one of them.

Becca headed to a fundraiser for a Haiti mission trip, which I'm actually going on. I headed to the UT campus to hear some guitar. Truly a great show coming up-- I'm writing from my phone...

Here's some pics. In a couple years Connor will be here with me. Forget sponge bob and whatever crap is on tv these days, he's coming with me.

And he has to like it!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

First Piano Video

If I didn't hate American Idol (come on, isn't it clear at this point the last thing we need is another "idol") I'd say you'll see this footage on TV one day.

As you'll see, he has promise. Check it out:

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Connor's Spell

Watch this video: Where is My Baby???, and then proceed...

Becca's always ranting and raving, Oh, Connor is growing so fast, make him stop!! I laugh and say it's supposed to happen, no big deal. But I think I'm getting the "my babies growing too fast fever" too.

I watch this video and can't even remember him being so little. What's the point of videos then? Hmmm...

Even I'm tired of hearing myself think and talk about how cute this kid is. But it's true and I can't help it. EVERYWHERE we go people stop us, talk to us, come up to us, sit down by us, chase us--all to tell us how cute Connor is and smile at him, etc. It's borderline psychopathic of strangers to behave as such, but I'm under the same exact spell. It's hard not to get caught up.

Alright, time to play some kickball. Connor and Becca are on their way right now. I'll make a video of him at the field... And I'll kick him another home run!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Since When Does This Family Eat Out All the Time??

We all had a pretty good weekend. Friday Connor got to see two of his favorite Uncles, Chris and Scott. It was fun to see them and eat at, where else, Jason's Deli.

Saturday we were lazy, watched movies, sat outside all day... Then dinner with Uncle Matt and Aunt Bonnie at, where else, PF Changs.

Then, once we had our two favorite restaurants covered, Sunday night was date night. This meant dinner at... Whole Foods.

All in all, a culinary extravaganza. Or something like that.

The highlight of the weekend was taking a looooong walk to a park in another neighborhood. Connor got to go on a swing for the first time with me. I held him tight and we went really high, probably too high, and he squeeled and giggled the whole time. Oddly enough, I didn't get a picture of this. Shock!!

But I did manage to get some other pictures, which is likely the reason you're on this blog to begin with.

Here you are:

Tired boy after a walk to the park...

Connor and I reading in the car...

Friday, April 13, 2012

Who is this Baby!!??

Please, watch this, and tell me who this is?

Man, watching that video is something else. There aren't even words to describe how I feel. It just... I don't even know.

Connor is four months old. The last four months have flown by. Becca and I are blessed beyond our wildest dreams and love Connor so much. We never imagined we could have such a wonderful child.


It's Friday which is always nice. No big plans for once, also nice. We might even end up with baby sitters tomorrow night. Hmmmm, what else?

Connor went to his four month check up. He cried a lot during the shots but rebounded nicely. The doctor was sooooo impressed by how alert and social he is. She said he's much more developed than other four month olds. I told Becca that she should take that as a great compliment. It's amazing how much she devotes to Connor and it shows in his personality and development.

Good baby, good mom. Okay, time to go see them!

Dear Connor

You make it so easy to be a good mommy. My heart is full.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

So Many Firsts

Today Connor discovered a new toy called the Wiggly Jiggler. Now I know it's strange for Becca to have a camera near by, but it just so happens that she was able to catch this on video. A rarity, yes I know. Anyway, check it out:

Watch Video Here

My favorite part is at 31 seconds.


Maybe the reason we all like Christmas so much is because we remember being babies, toddlers, then children, when everyday was like Christmas. There are so many things to do and see for the first time when you are young. Christmas comes everyday. As an adult we can kind of re-experience so many of those things through the eyes of our children. It's a great thing!

One of my favorite things is seeing Connor have new experiences. It could be a new fabric he touches, a new taste of some food, spice he smells, or Wiggly Jiggler toy he delights in, it's all fun to watch and be part of. And Connor makes it easy since he's so easily over joyed by things!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Bath Time

Who is this tiny little baby? Oh my goodness, Connor is at least twice as big as this. He needs to stop growing so fast.

I have no idea when this picture was taken, but I'm guessing at about a month. Big yawn. Bath time continues to be just before bed time. I've taken over bath time. Connor splashes and smiles a lot.

Sometimes he pees in the water. That's fun. I have to empty the water and start again. It's a good thing he's so cute. I tell him all the time he can't just keep coasting by on his good looks. Eventually he will have to stop peeing in the bath water.

My favorite part of bath time is washing his back. It so smooth and he loves his  back being rubbed. Good boy.

Oh, and the way he smells after a bath. Nothing beats it. Nothing.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Weekend

Easter weekend was good. Becca and I had a four day weekend, Connor continued his 120 day long weekend. Ahhh, to be a baby!

Thursday and Friday we had the grandparents and triplets in town. We golfed, ate a lot, hiked, swam, played Settlers of Catan, watched Hugo, played guitar, installed new lights, had an awesome photo shoot (best pics ever coming soon) etc.

Saturday we were off to San Anton to see more grandparents. We shot pool, went to Starbucks, went to a mega-church, played dominos, napped, ate home cooked meals, etc.

Connor slept, ate, laughed, did tummy-time, blew spit bubbles, cooed, cried a bit, fussed a bit, made new sounds, smiled, frowned, made messy diapers, and got a thousand hugs and kisses. It's so trite to keep saying this, and yes I've become a cliche, but we love this kid more each and every day. He gets better and better and better and better...........................


Here's a bunch of random pictures from the last few days:

Connor playing Settlers of Catan, our favorite family board game...

Hiking trail at Hamilton Pool...

An Easter basket from Aunt Chris and Uncle Susan...

The trips (triplets), Becca, and Connor...

Playing at the waterfall with John and Bill...

Under the water fall--cold at 9am in the shade!...

Attempting to push the boulders apart... 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Tee Time

18 holes and we are exhausted!!! Connor was a trooper and loves golf. And by golf I mean my mom holding him while we play!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Butt in the Air

This is a picture of Connor. This is a picture of Connor sleeping. This is a picture of Connor sleeping with his bottom in the air. Becca loves any picture involving a) Connor or b) Connor's butt in the air.

Not sure why, but that's how it is. Also not sure why babies even do this to begin with.


Tonight Connor's triplet uncles arrive along with his grandparents. They are visiting from Ohio for Spring Break, which they do every year at this point. We are excited and Connor can't wait to see his Gramma. They have both missed each other very much.

Pictures to come! 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Drummer Boy and More

Oh-so piano and guitar weren’t enough Connor? You want to play what? The drums!!??

Well… why not? You go on with your bad self!

Watch the video here: Drummer Boy


All parents, when discussing babyhood at least, love to say, "Just wait. It only gets better." This is usually in reference to how they learn so much each day and become more capable each day. And never is this so evident as with activities involving the mouth. Connor is now capable of, but not limited to, things such as:

Putting their feet in their mouth
Chewing on their toes after putting said feet in said mouth
Putting both hands in thier mouth, ten fingers and all
Attempting to eat any and everything within reach
Trying to bite me
Attempting to suckle from my nipple (this is MICHAEL writing!!)
Givin me a big, sloppy, dripping wet kiss
Cooing, laughing, screaming, making up words and sounds, drooling, coughing, fake-coughing, sneezing, laughing, laughing really hard, smiling, frowning, and everything in between