Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Retro-Active Pic-Tures

These are some pictures I just got from my work baby shower. Wanted to make sure I got these in the blog so that I don't forget!


Tonight is Family Night at the Y. Connor will get to see his favorite baby sitters while we work out. Last night he was flopping and rolling ALL over the place. We watched the Bachelorette with Uncle Chris and Aunt Susan and he would not stop jumping and rolling and diving everywhere. It was so funny and he was so happy.

Seriously, this kid just gets more and more fun. He is, as Aunt Susan would say, "Majestic."

Monday, June 25, 2012

How are the Tomatoes? Glad you asked.

Plants and Baby Video Here

Hopefully you paid close attention in the above video to second 0:55 to about 1:05.
Sometimes people ask me what happened to Becca's tomatoes that she planted about three months ago. One might think she has a full vine of red, plump, delicious tomatoes. That she has so much she's actually making bottles of ketchup in addition to salads. That she's frequenting the farmers market where wild groups of tomoatoe enthusiasts form lines to buy what's become known simply as "Becca's Tomatoes."

One would be wrong.

Becca watered them once. Got bit by a spider. Came back inside. Never went back outside. Tomatoes died about a week later.

We still joke about it. I ask, "Becca, could you please go out and pick some of those tomatoes? They are overtaking the garden. There are too many. Please, you have to control your tomatoes."

She usually then asks me, "How's your cilantro?"

That usually shuts me up.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Nap time

Connor and I took a nap after watching euro cup this afternoon. Becca snuck this picture!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Here are some pictures from last month that I meant to post earlier. Becca's grandparents came into town to visit us. They took us to dinner and brought some cool coffee cups from their latest excursion to South America. Connor is so blessed to have such a BIG and wonderful family. Becca and I are too!

What else is going on with Connor? He's rolling all over the place. He can go left, right, and back again like it's nothing. Forward and backward is another matter. I think crawling is a good two months off.

On a good effort he'll get up on his hand and knees, begin rocking a bit, and then lurch forward into a faceplant. This might result in tears, it might not. This laborious act gets him about half an inch at a time. Not quite the most effective movement. But cute! He gets points for cute!

Tonight we're taking him out to dinner with some friends. We have a great little Italian joint we frequent, second in line only to Jason's Deli. Whenver we go, and I'm not making this up, strangers will come and want to hold him. He's our little superstar.


About a week ago we started out the new bed time routine. We're hitting about .500 on making that one work. But the last two nights we've got it down pretty well. It goes like this...

a) Connor eats at his high chair, food all over, mouth, hair, ears... We shovel the food in over about 15 minutes and he eats about 5 tablespoons when it's said and done

b) bath time. splash splash and soap and he loves water and then puts on his towel with an elephant hood and smells better than anything in this world

c) to bed. Eats his main course of breast milk and gets full and sleepy. Bed time arrives at last.

Ideally this starts at 7:30 and we've got eyes closed by 8:00. But you know about the best laid plans... We are getting better each day but still have a little ways to go.

His grandpa said the other night, "What's the best day to plant a tree? 20 years ago. What's the second best day to plant a tree? Today."

Well that's true.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Collage #3

Tomorrow I swear I'll write a proper blog with some updates. For now this picture collage will have to suffice. Connor is growing in awesomeness each and everyday!

We are now headed to the YMCA for family night!!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Your Daddy

Dear Connor,

By the time you are old enough to read this, you will already know - your Daddy loves you sooooooooooooo much. I wish you could see now though, how his eyes light up when he sees you after coming home from work. Or how much delight he takes in watching you learn and play. I know this phrase is said many, many times, by people all over the world, but truly - you have the best Daddy in the world. He goes to work early, so he can come home early, in order to have more time to play with you! He proudly puts you on his shoulders so you can squeal with excitement. He plays silly games that some men wouldn't be caught dead doing, just to make you laugh. He plays beautiful Spanish classical guitar until you fall asleep. He protects you. He cheers you up. And he smothers you in kisses. If it weren't for your dad, you would grow up having no idea what baseball is. Or how to correctly kick a soccer ball. Or how to master a tremolo on a classical guitar. I am so, so happy that you have him as your daddy.

Michael, I love you so much for the husband you have become and are becoming, and for the dad you have become and are becoming. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Look Who's Rolling, Both Directions!

Seems like it was about a month ago little tyke started rolling over stomach to back. As of today he's officially mastered that rolls counterpart, back to stomach.

I feel he's on the verge of crawling. We will certainly have our hands full at that point.

Tonight I'm babysitting. Could be  interesting.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Real conversation from the other day, out of the blue…

Becca: Do you realize that yesterday was our anniversary?
Me: Hmm… Not sure.
Becca: Our anniversary.
(long pause)
Me: Did you realize yesterday was our anniversary?
Becca: No.

Oops. Well, here’s the good part. We celebrate TWO anniversaries every year, one on 2/3 and then “the forgotten one” on 6/9.

And here’s the even better part. We don’t need a special day to celebrate and do anything different because every day is special and every day I love my family even more. That being said, dinner at PF Changs, our go to spot, is always fun. I guess we’ll have to make up for this weekend!

 Anyway, here’s a new picture of Connor from this afternoon-

Monday, June 11, 2012

Connor and His Girlfriend

The video below is of Connor and his girlfriend Addie playing chase this morning. As you can see, they are both on the edge of crawling. Connor can get himself forward about 2 inches at a time. Addie, I've been told, can crawl, but only backwards.

What do you get? Something like this:

Connor Playing Chase

Thursday, June 7, 2012

New Video

Connor learned a new trick the other night. Not sure if there's a word in the English language for that, but here it is:
Connor's New Trick

Monday, June 4, 2012

How to Have Fun W/Out Spending Much Money

Monday has come once again. I don’t mean that in a bad way at all. It’s just… here. That means time to get back to Connor & Co.
The family had a great weekend. Friday we all took a long nap, woke up, decided to stay home, and watch Into the Wild. Great movie and Connor learned about the dangers of leaving his parents and heading for Alaska.
Saturday we went to a café for free coffee with coupons we had, went to a fundraiser for the police department, got free lunch from them, went to the YMCA for a swim party, went to Chipotle with a gift card, went to our new Bubble Tea place to play board games, and then headed to Saltlick Barbeque with Aunt Susan and Uncle Chris.
Sunday was more subdued. We looked at new homes, mostly for fun. We napped more, cooked food, watched random movies, played with Connor. Connor and I had a bath time where he splashed the whole time. He loves the water.
Total amount of money spent all weekend: $30. That’s called smart spending and activities!!

Here are some pictures: