Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Well another good day is coming to an end. Connor and Becca paid me a visit to work tonight, which is always nice. I showed them around my new place and Connor thrilled all the nurses and my co-workers.

Now Becca is putting Connor to bed early. It's about 1025, yeah it's an early night. Before Becca took Connor to put him down she said, "Go watch Downton! You need to catch up!"

Downton means Downton Abbey in case you don't know. Downton Abbey means one hour of early 20th century awesomeness.

I do want to watch Downton, I do... But what about The Bachelor? We haven't watched Monday night's episode yet.

I don't use twitter and don't know how hashtags work, but if I did, I would label my dilemma as such:

#first world problems

Seriuosly, how good and easy must life be if the biggest problem I'll face today is which show to watch? And to think, I don't even like TV!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


We are teaching con con a bunch of new signs. It's kinda fun learning them too. He knows about 15 signs or so...

Monday, February 25, 2013

Longest Night

Oh man, the first night away from my family in a long time! It's killing me!!

Tonight I started my new position. Should be good in terms of my career with the County. The only bad part is that every three weeks I work Mon-Wed 12-10pm. The GOOD part is they are 10 hour shifts and I get three day weekends all the time and way more time off. So far it seems like a good position. But it's only 830pm and I miss my family!!

Here's a pic out the window, overlooking downtown...

Becca texted me this pic of little buddy. He done busted his lip. Poor guy. Becca said he's been looking all over the house for me and won't play. Break. My. Heart.

Hopefull I'll be home soon, so we can move on to the important things, like snuggles and watching Downton Abbey. Yes, I said Downton Abbey. I have joined the ranks.
Love that show. Love that baby!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

The List!!

Today I bounced back stronger than ever, stomach was just fine. We went walking all over town after breakfast tacos at whole foods... Beautiful Austin day!

Then I built four flower beds and we took Connor to j del. from there it was off to, where else, target to walk around and play. Connor did a front flip off a curb and jumped up like it was nothing. Tuff as nails that kid!!

Well even though I'm feeling better, it turns out being sick is the least of my concerns. Becca has been plotting pranks and attacks on me. I am keeping a list. Here's what I have as if tonight:

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Me: "Hey please bring me a thermometer. I have a bad fever, I know it... And preferably the one that hasn't been up Connor's butt."

Becca: "They've both been up Connor's butt."

Me: "Oh my lord."


So yeah, I'm sick as a dog and that's about how my day has gone. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get back on track.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Kind of Koolaid



What do you get when you add koolaid (my least favorite drink) and Kind of Blue (my favorite jazz album)? Glad you asked.

You get this:      Video

My family is getting crazier each day. This definitely will go on the list of grievances I have against Becca. I have already called her parents to let them know what she did.

In a family like this, Connor's got no chance of turning out normal. And I mean that in a good way!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Baseball and Swim Time

The other night we started playing baseball for the first time. Here's a quick video:

Mommy and Connor Playing Baseball

Tonight we make our long-awaited return to the YMCA. I'm super excited. We haven't been there in about six months. Back then we were going several times a week, mostly to swim and play around. We'll get Connor back in the pool tonight. It's gonna be completely different now that he's so much bigger. The lifeguards love him there, even though they get super nervous when he sits near the hot tub. Don't worry, we got it!

What else???

Connor now thinks it's funny to try and put his feet in my mouth. I think it's sort of funny. The part that's NOT funny is that, if I'm not mistaken, he learned this behavior from his mom.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

31 Years, Day to Day

I put this on facebook earlier. Might as well make it my blog too so that I have it in writing one day when I publish Connor and Co, as an old man, and sit there and read it. :)

Today was my birthday. Today was also a very ordinary day. Today was a wonderful day.
 Wonderful and ordinary at the same time? Yes, that’s exactly what I meant. I woke up, went to work, saw my co-workers/friends, talked, joked, had coffee. Spent the day helping kids in crisis, kids that are challenging and that I respect in hard to define ways. I came home, saw my wife and baby smiling. Jordan, the girl we babysit got dropped off. I worked out, built some things in the garage, got saw dust everywhere and hammered boards, things I love doing. Becca cooked dinner and we will play with Connor until late at night and then all snuggle together and go to sleep.

Pretty much the same thing I do every day and I absolutely love it. It’s very simple and happens over and over.

I often hear older people talking about how in their 30s and 40s they were raising their kids, were broke, and life was hectic every day. Then they reminisce about how it was the best time of their life. They see that looking back on their lives.

Well I feel very lucky because I feel that I’m seeing what a great time I’m having and what a great life I’m blessed enough to live. I didn’t do much to deserve it, but it’s mine and I love it and appreciate it. I think that after 31 years I’m learning to value everything more: friendships, family, time, health, life.

So that was my birthday today. I also got some great gifts, which are nice, but it’s the relationships and phone calls and just day to day things that make it special.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Picture and Video and Almost My Birthday...

31 years ago this lady, my mom, was starting contractions with me. It would turn out to be a 24 hour labor. The jury is still out on whether it was worth it or not, but I'm glad she did it!!

Tomorrow is my birthday... We are watching Jordan which is cool. I think we're just gonna go eat at Jason's Deli, home of birthdays, anniversaries, and Valentine's Day. If things get really good a trip to Home Depot might follow that. I can get some landscaping equipment and wood chips for my new BBQ smoker. Yeah buddy!

Well it's 11pm and Connor just headed off to bed. We decided to break out the baseball bat and ball at about 1030pm. Becca thought it would be funny to keep trying to hit the ball at my head from five feet away. Inappropriate and mischievous wife.

I've begun keeping a list of grievances on my phone of things she does to me. Look for that to be posted later this week. I need to address all of them with her parents as well. But it's okay--all of them make me laugh.

Today we tried a stunt using my RIP STICK, which is like a snowboard for the concrete. After I grab Connor I decide it's a good idea to put him on my shoulders: Video Here...

Monday, February 18, 2013

Naked Golfer

A great three-day weekend is winding to a close. 1030 and Connor is going strong, having a bubble bath with Mommy. That's how we roll.

Last night Connor got to see his grandparents, Aunt and Uncle, and COUSINS! Here's a pic:

Then after dinner with the cousins for my and his Uncle's birthday, we went to Target and skateboarded. We got kicked out when they turned out the lights in the store and said it's time to go. Connor was so tired when he got home, he passed out right away.

After I got in bed he decided my head would be more comfortable. Witness:

We also had a bunch of other kids we were babysitting, Whole Foods, kickball practice, and other crazy stuff. 

Literally, as I type this, he is runnign through the house naked with a golf club and chasing Macy. 


Saturday, February 16, 2013

My Dinosaur Child

Sometimes you see Connor coming from across the room and he has a sweet smile on his face, little steps heading your way and a big hug as he wraps his arms around your legs.

Other times, he scares the crap out of you.

Remember the part in Jurassic Park when the Velociraptor is chasing the kids in the kitchen? It's just like that. He makes these primordial sounds in his throat and then screams out. Then this maniacal laughter as he's sure he frightened everyone within a city block.

It's actually pretty great, as long as it's outside. I completely encourage rambunctious behavior, a la Where the Wild Things Are, when we are outdoors, such as climbing, clawing in the dirt, rolling, flipping, tackling, and dinosaur howls. It's fine by me.

Today we had one of those nice Austin days: Splendid weather, Whole Foods, Town Lake, kickball, the BMX Park, Southpark Meadows, playground. And even Home Depot, my favorite store. I remember growing up I used to HAAATTEEEE going to that place, and it seems like we were there every weekend. Now the bright orange sign with white letters makes my heart race. Oh the possibilities of home improvement and projects!

With all this fun today, 0 pictures were taken. How did that happen? Oh well, here's an old one...

Friday, February 15, 2013

Best Friend

Of course Becca is my best friend. But look at this face! He's also my best friend. I can't wait to go snuggle them both!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Love Day

We had a great Valentine's Day. We kept it very simple. Flowers and art projects. For our big date we took Connor to the park. He loved the swing and went higher than ever. Here's a video:
We played kickball and chased Connor. Again, very simple, very fun. When you love the people you're with it doesn't matter what you're doing--it's gonna be great.
Then we headed off for a romantic dinner. We wanted to go somewhere special, somewhere romantic with candles and music. Oh wait, that's right -- We have a wild one year old. Ok, Jason's Deli here we come!! Connor even got in the Valentine's Day mood and created an olive ring.
All kidding aside, it was a great day. I love this family!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Mr Potato Head

It's 1015pm so that means its time for one thing and one thing only...

Dress Connor up as Mr Potato Head!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Having a Ball

Today Connor got to hang out with Brynn, one of the three little girls Becca watches. From time to time. Brynn and Connor used to take turns pushing each other down, but that has changed to kissing and hugs. We say, "Connor, can you be so sweet and give lovin'?" and he hugs and kisses us and little girls.

Tonight Connor got to hang out at Sports Authority, his favorite place. Do you know why? That's an easy question with an easy answer: Because they have balls! All shapes and sizes. We tear that store up! Connor is awesome at throwing and kicking--we might have a sports superstar on our hands. We play with every kind of ball in the store and also ride the skateboards, climb in the tents, etc. Then we play golf on the putting green. Cheap thrills and I can only imagine the employees love it when we come in.

Dinner was pancakes and key lime pie. Something of a change from our usual meal, but we are hooked on key lime pie. Becca has mastered that dessert and I make the pancakes. Not a bad combination.

Monday, February 11, 2013


Here is a video for the day. Connor is going to watch these videos one day and realize his parents were crazy. Not just normal crazy, but cuh-RA-zy crazy. I'm not sure who has more fun with his toys sometimes, Connor or us...

Mommy and Connor Playing

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday Night

This weekend we went to 3 different grocery stores. We did not buy any groceries. In fact we need groceries as I type this.

Grocery stores are fun to hang out in. Central Market and While Foods staff encourage free sampling and pick up the things Connor tears up. Win win.

We also had Connors playmate all weekend which was fun. Makes me feel like we are ready for a couple more!! It's gonna be great!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Night Time Schedule Connor-Style

Dear Connor,
I’m writing you to tell you about something. I want you to know there is this thing out there in the big bad world, this thing that exists in the lives of most babies, this thing that many parents believe in. It’s called bed time.
However, you somehow think that 10pm is a great time to chase the dog, read books, splash in the toilet, play basketball in the street, and go down the slide in the backyard. I hope you are having fun!
And then, finally, you pass out around 1030pm. Fall asleep for 30 minutes, wake up and want to eat, then really pass out, sleep hard for a few hours, then crawl on my head around 2am, and sleep there for the rest of the night.
Well there's something else I want you to know: I actually support this schedule!

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Here's a video from last night... Connor's Newest Game

Yeah buddy! Blog is back. Bigger and better… Get excited! I'm sorry to have kept so many of you waiting. The hiatus is over and the blog is back!

First a disclosure: If you used to read the blog and found all of my lovey-dovey Connor musings about how sweet, funny, smart, cute, ad infinitum somewhat excessive, then get ready to hear a lot more of it. Truth is I am even more in love with this kiddo than two months ago!

Since DECEMBER 14th a lot has happened. All of it good. The holidays were wonderful—we were in Ohio and saw eight inches of snow, eight games of Catan, and almost eight movies. We made it back and then celebrated with our Houston family and San Antonio family, also really great trips.

Then Becca somehow went from a super-part time job to three nanny jobs, and another in the works. It’s been a huge blessing. We started watching a little girl overnight about once a week and she’s very sweet and friends with Connor. Becca is, needless to say, amazing with all of these kiddos. It’s been nice having extra kids in the home! Here's an idea...

I will be moving positions here at work in the next couple weeks. My new schedule is  ten hour works days but only four days a week. I’m excited to start having three day weekends which translates into more time with little buddy.

So, speaking of little buddy… Connor has grown leaps and bounds. He has several new words (mama, horse, several animal sounds) and can sign about ten words. He can climb and run and make us laugh so hard. He is also eating like a champion and grew an inch over night.

He is sleeping in bed with us (I know, I know, we all have opinions, but who cares!!??) still and it’s GREAT! At least once a night I wake up and he’s laying on my back. His grandpa calls it sleeping in a pile, which is what they do in the book Where the Wild Things Are. So yes, we sleep in a pile. Don’t you know there’s nothing better than snuggling your baby all night?!
This week I built a playscape in the backyard.  It’s got a tree house thing, slide, swing, and ladder. Connor loves it. We also spend hours and hours in the front playing at night. We have all these Christmas lights up, a big street light, and house lights. It’s perfect in terms of lighting. The cars in the neighborhood are infrequent and the ones who do come through are cool. I constructed a big sign that says CHIDLREN AT PLAY that I put up. Anyone who defies my sign and doesn’t slow down is met with my threatening stares! But that rarely happens. And I’m not really that threatening…

What else? I don’t know. Lots of laughing and visits with family and friends. It continues to be the best experience of my life.

Oh yeah, and we are ready for another one!!!!!!!!!!!!