Thursday, February 7, 2013


Here's a video from last night... Connor's Newest Game

Yeah buddy! Blog is back. Bigger and better… Get excited! I'm sorry to have kept so many of you waiting. The hiatus is over and the blog is back!

First a disclosure: If you used to read the blog and found all of my lovey-dovey Connor musings about how sweet, funny, smart, cute, ad infinitum somewhat excessive, then get ready to hear a lot more of it. Truth is I am even more in love with this kiddo than two months ago!

Since DECEMBER 14th a lot has happened. All of it good. The holidays were wonderful—we were in Ohio and saw eight inches of snow, eight games of Catan, and almost eight movies. We made it back and then celebrated with our Houston family and San Antonio family, also really great trips.

Then Becca somehow went from a super-part time job to three nanny jobs, and another in the works. It’s been a huge blessing. We started watching a little girl overnight about once a week and she’s very sweet and friends with Connor. Becca is, needless to say, amazing with all of these kiddos. It’s been nice having extra kids in the home! Here's an idea...

I will be moving positions here at work in the next couple weeks. My new schedule is  ten hour works days but only four days a week. I’m excited to start having three day weekends which translates into more time with little buddy.

So, speaking of little buddy… Connor has grown leaps and bounds. He has several new words (mama, horse, several animal sounds) and can sign about ten words. He can climb and run and make us laugh so hard. He is also eating like a champion and grew an inch over night.

He is sleeping in bed with us (I know, I know, we all have opinions, but who cares!!??) still and it’s GREAT! At least once a night I wake up and he’s laying on my back. His grandpa calls it sleeping in a pile, which is what they do in the book Where the Wild Things Are. So yes, we sleep in a pile. Don’t you know there’s nothing better than snuggling your baby all night?!
This week I built a playscape in the backyard.  It’s got a tree house thing, slide, swing, and ladder. Connor loves it. We also spend hours and hours in the front playing at night. We have all these Christmas lights up, a big street light, and house lights. It’s perfect in terms of lighting. The cars in the neighborhood are infrequent and the ones who do come through are cool. I constructed a big sign that says CHIDLREN AT PLAY that I put up. Anyone who defies my sign and doesn’t slow down is met with my threatening stares! But that rarely happens. And I’m not really that threatening…

What else? I don’t know. Lots of laughing and visits with family and friends. It continues to be the best experience of my life.

Oh yeah, and we are ready for another one!!!!!!!!!!!!

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