Sunday, September 9, 2012

Lost in Babyland

Well the weekend winds down to a close as Sunday night is here. It's been a good weekend overall and I thought I'd try to write what I can remember. Friday night, can't remember anything that we did... drawing a total blank. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Saturday we got up early and went kayaking. It was super windy as a cold front blew in and there were white caps on Town Lake. I paddled both of us upstream and we found a park, played a little, and Becca graciously captained us back down stream. From there we stopped by Whole Foods for lunch and people watching. Weather was amazing.... Connor fed the numerous pigeons that frequent the patio while the workers scowled at us. They hate it when people feed the pigeons but we do what we want.

Then the library and spanish story time. I have switched to only speaking in spanish to him. He looks at me the same way he looked at me when I spoke english. So make of that what you will. Yes, Connor will grow up speaking Spanish. He then went to San Antonio to practice his spanish and see his grandparents. I stayed behind and built a flower bed in the backyard.

Tonight we had our first date night, just me and little buddy. We went to Sams, Jasons Deli, then Sports Authority, and finally Target. At Sports Authority we had the most fun. We went to the putting greens and I practiced putting (am I becoming a golfer? my dad and brothers say I am...) and got Connor a pack of like 20 raquet balls and we just took over that section of the store and played for like an hour. Then we saw Uncle Chris and Aunt Susan on the way home and they tried to hold him; Connor just screamed out. As per usual. The child is spoiled. Rotten. And he does what he wants.

Mommy returned from a birthday dinner and we went for a ride in the wagon. Mema sent him three new outfits that are all awesome and 12 month size (growing too too too fast). We called her and face timed for a minute and she saw him in the wagon she bought him.

I guess that's about it, or as much as I can remember anyway.


Oh yeah. I also watched Lost in Translation. One of my favorite movies. There's this part where Bill Murray is telling Scarlett Johanson about having kids. He's talking about how your life as you know it completely dissapears. She thinks this is a bad thing...

But then he says that they learn to walk, and learn to talk, and they become the most delightful little people that you will ever know.

Well there's really no other better way to put it than that. I agree completely.

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