Thursday, January 19, 2012

It Does a Body Good

Connor had his five week check up yesterday at the Birthing Center. He's quickly closing in on 12 lbs. That comes out to about a pound a week. This kid loves milk and it's certainly doing his body good. Becca tells me all the time he's getting fat like I was as a baby (I was very, very chunky). I tell her that's a good thing. That way he can end up 220 lbs like me. Of course, I've decided that's way too much and now want to get down to 210. So in a way, he's coming up and I'm going down.

What else??? Hmmm...

Connor has started laughing and smiling more. It comes in little flashes and it's easy to miss. But there's just nothing better in the world. The other day Becca and I were talking about ways to make extra money. I had several ideas, some better than others.

I said, "Maybe it's time I finally started my male modeling career that I've been putting off."

The SECOND I said that Connor started laughing really hard and smiling. Becca also started laughing at me. Geez-not a single supporter. We'll see what Expecting Mothers Monthly has to say about that. I've submitted the following picture to them. Fingers are crossed.


  1. Love your sense of Humor!!!

  2. Michael, you are handsome enough to be a model. Get Mike to do some shots of you and send them out! You never know.

  3. I appreciate the vote of confidence, but I'm not so sure!! LOL
