Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Spoiled. Rotten.

The most common question we get is:
A) How did he get so cute? (god made him that way, duh!) and
B) How is he sleeping?

He does sleep. Let's get that part clear. How much he sleeps is the gray area. This kid is an expert at falling asleep, staying asleep, being cute while he sleeps. But only if, and this is a big IF, someone is holding him. If (god forbid) Connor wakes up to find he's been stolen away to a swing, bassonet, blanket on the floor, or bed, you can strike all the good stuff I just said from the record.

One recurring piece of advice we'd always hear when Becca was still pregnant: You can't spoil a baby.
Well I beg to differ. This kid is spoiled. Spoiled. Rotten.

Becca lets me know he sleeps about four hours at a time at most. I don't know this because I sleep on the couch in the movie room on week nights. On weekends I'm back in the bedroom, but usually sleep through whatever kind of game that kid decides to play around 3am. My wife refers to my nightly sojourns to the movie room as "Daddy going out of town."

Sunday night rolls around and you'd think I'd be headed on a red eye to Boston for the week. Becca lets Connor know I'm packing up and leaving for the week. Of course Connor just sleeps through it. That is, of course, as long as someone's holding him.

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